Sunday, July 02, 2006


Wikipedia Strikes! Dr. Bernard Klein

Bernard Klein is a Holocaust survivor, an immigrant to the United States who attended a yeshiva, then earned a series of degrees culminating in a Ph.D. from Columbia. He became an academic, and currently chairs the Department of History at Kingsborough Community College, a division of CUNY with an enrollment of 30,000 students. He is an internationally recognized Holocaust scholar, whose particular study in recent years has centered on death camps and concentration camps in what became Yugoslavia, particularly the Jasenovac camps operated by the fascist regime in Croatia. He has organized a series of conferences on the Jasenovac camps, held in locations ranging from New York City to Jerusalem to Bosnia, in an effort to establish an accurate historical record of the little-known but massive and monstrous atrocities committed there. He has also played a prominent role in related studies and conferences, and was involved in recent, controversial, efforts to provide restitution to remaining Holocaust survivors in the United States and in Europe.

By a virtually unanimous vote, Wikipedian editors have just voted to expunge the entry on Dr. Klein from their so-called encyclopedia, finding that his activities are in no way noteworthy, and that, with an enrollment of merely thirty thousand, his institution is small if not trivial, and his position cannot be taken as evidence of accomplishment or expertise..

In contrast, these notability of these individuals has also quite recently been considered by Wikipedian editors, and they have been found to meet Wikipedia's demanding standards.

Devyn Devine is a rather obese woman with disproportionately large breast implants who has recently, briefly, appeared on Playboy TV and Howard Stern radio to promote her semi-professional career as an erotic performer and, as seems likely, professional "escort". She has appeared in six pornographic videos with titles like "Scale Bustin' Babes 20", leading Wikipedia to describe her as a "porn star". She has had her own websites for nearly three months and a "blog" with one perfunctory entry.

James L. Hart is a white supremacist and eugenics advocate who snared a Republican congressional nomination in a heavily Democratic Tennessee district two years ago, apparently because no serious candidate was interested in running. He was promptly disavowed by "his" party, trounced in the general election, failed in his bid to win a second nomination, and received no press coverage of note outside his district. In contrast, Diane Farrell, who nearly ousted well-known, veteran Representative Christopher Shays two years ago, and whose current race against Shays has been widely covered by national TV and press outlets, is also being removed from Wikipedia by an overwhelming vote of its editors.

Andrew Leipus is a former physiotherapist for the national Indian cricket team.

"Ma" is a nameless character in a direct-to-video installment of the "Lion King" series.

Rainer Kuhne holds a Ph.D. in physics, and has been mentioned repeatedly in international media after announcing his theory that satellite photos prove that Atlantis is located under swampland near Cadiz, in Spain.

Today's "featured article" also leads fairly quickly to a striking collection of men found notable by Wikipedia's artists, each of whom believes himself to be the true primate of the Roman Catholic Church, and that once-Cardinal Ratzinger is a usurper and an imposter. These noteworthy would-be pontiffs include David Bawden, a failed seminarian elected by a conclave of six in his family's secondhand shop in the (one hopes coincidentally named) city of Belvue, Kansas; William Kamm, an Australian child rapist; Chester Olszewski, a reportedly defrocked Episcopal clergyman known for his conspicuous ignorance of the Catholic rites he attempts to perform; and Maurice Archieri, who abandoned his career as an auto mechanic when he named himself to be the Holy Father.

Exactly why Wikipedia's editors believe that cranks, extremists, unnamed fictional characters, and overweight prostitutes are more worthy subjects for their encyclopedia than an internationally recognized Holocaust documenter and prominent academic is impossible to explain. The Wikilluminati are unwilling to intervene in their project's "votes for deletion," where legitimately noteworthy authors, academics, and real-world activists are regularly purged to make room, it seems, for video game characters, exhibitionist whores (of both sexes), and foolish or deluded souls who make public spectacles of themselves. (The Wikilluminati are, it seems, embroiled in a nearly year-long controversy over what sorts of "userboxes" may be displayed on editors' personal pages, and have no time for such unimportant matters as their "encyclopedia's" actual content.) These ongoing fiascos simply provide more proof that, when it claims its goal to be the accumulation of human knowledge,

Wikipedia lies.

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